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In this documentation, we will show you how to use and customize the paragraph block: So, let’s get started.

Adding aBlocks Paragraph Block

Firstly, open your website admin dashboard. Now select the pages option to see All Pages or Add New Page. Then you click Add New Page and You will see a new page or post.

Right now click the (+) plus icon and select the aBlock paragraph block

Navigation admin dashboard

When you click the (+) plus icon you can see all the blocks of aBlock. Then you click the Paragraph block. You have successfully added the aBlocks paragraph block.

select aBlocks paragraph Block

Now, you can easily add your desired text to the block and customize it afterward.

Add your paragraph text

To customize your paragraph text, first select the paragraph block by clicking on it. You will see many customized options from the block setting section. From here, you can easily edit and customize your paragraph block.

Customizing aBlocks Paragraph Block

Let’s show the details of the edit and customization options.

General & Advanced 

First, discuss and show the general section. You can see two options in general:-

  1. Content  &
  2. Style


The content section has many varieties of options. Like: 

  • Title 
  • Alignment 
  • Sizes 
  • Drop Caps
  • Color &
  • Advanced

Using these above-mentioned settings, you can change your paragraph block from here.

Title: First, you can see a text box here. In this title box, you can see your paragraph text. If you want, you can write add or delete in this box text. At the same time change paragraph text directly from the editor.

Alignment: You can easily change your text position to the left, middle, or right sides by Alignment.

text alignment customization

Size: You can change the size of your paragraph text, to large, medium, or small. 

text size customization

Drop Caps: Drop caps have color options when you turn on the toggle button, you can change the color according to your choice.

Drop caps text customization


Customization Style section

In the general section, the second option is style. Now discuss the style section. The style section has many different options, like:

  • Color
  • Typography
  • Text Shadow
  • Text Stroke

Now you can easily use the advanced settings in the style section mentioned above to customize your paragraph text.

Color: You can change the color of your paragraph text from the color section.

text color customization

Typography: Especially, the typography section has more advanced setting options. If you click the typography default option you can see this. For detailed explanations, refer to the aBlocks Typography documentation.

  • Family
  • Size 
  • Weight
  • Transform
  • Style
  • Decoration
  • Line-Height

Overall, you can use this to customize your paragraph text. 

Customize Typography section customize

Family: In addition, the family section has a default system and many options. You can use it and customize your paragraph text.

Size: In the size section, you can easily change your paragraph text size

Weight: In the weight option, You can customize your text weight style here.

Text transform customized

Transform: You can easily Transform your paragraph text in Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize. 

Style: You can change your paragraph text font style to normal, Italic, and oblique from here.

Decoration: You can decorate your paragraph text into underline, overline, and line through this section.

Line Height: You can change your paragraph text line height to low or high from here. In addition to changing it on PX, REM, and CM.

Text Shadow: Now come back to the Style section. Then you can see the Text Shadow option. 

Text Shadow Customization

You can customize your paragraph text shadow from here similar to Text Shadow:

  • Color
  • Blur Shadow 
  • Horizontal Shadow
  • Vertical Shadow

Color: You can easily change the color of your paragraph text from here.

Blur Shadow: You can change your paragraph text to the blur shadow amount from here.

You can easily change the Horizontal Shadow and Vertical Shadow of your paragraph text in the same way as changing the Blur Shadow.

Text Blur Shadow Customization

Text Stroke: The last option in the Style section is the Text Stroke. The text Shadow option has Stroke Color and Stroke Width are two default systems, with which you can change the Stroke Color and Width of the text as per your wish.

Text Stroke Customization

Advanced: After all, you can make your paragraph block more interesting by going to the Advanced option. An Advanced option has a more advanced changing system, which you can easily use in your text to customize your text.

Advanced Setting