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Welcome to the aBlocks Typography Settings documentation! This guide helps you style your text to make it more readable and appealing to your visitors.

 In this documentation, l will show you how to use aBlocks to style your text beautifully. From picking the right font to adjusting size and spacing, you’ll find everything you need to create text that stands out and grabs attention.

As usual, we need a block for customization. I have taken a Heading block to show you the Typography Settings for tutorial purposes.

Let’s get started and make your content look amazing!

Typography Settings and Full Customization

To customize the Heading block Typography first select the heading by clicking on it and go to Block>General>Style and navigate to the Typography settings, now simply click on it.

 aBlocks Typography Settings

A new popup will appear, you can see all the customization options here. Now I will show you the customization one by one.


Customized family section

First of all, comes the Family section. Click on it, you will see a huge range of font families here. Pick a front that aligns with your brand. 


Size Settings

After Family, comes Size. This option allows you to change the size of your text. You can change that by dragging the pointer and putting the number of your text on the size box. By default, PX measures the size, but you can change it with PX, Rem, and EM. 


Weight Settings

Weight changes your text weight to Thin, Light, Normal, Medium, Bold, and Black. 


Customize Transform section

In the Transform section, you can change your content or text formation. You can do that with Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize, and Normal. 

Uppercase: Uppercase will make all letters of your content capital.

Lowercase: Lowercase will make all letters of your content small.

Capitalize: Capitalize will make the first letter of words uppercase.


Customize Style section

Style is the section to change your font style. The Style option lets you change your font style to Normal, Italic, or Oblique.


Customize Decoration section

In the Decoration section, you can decorate your text with Underline, Overline, or Line Through.

Line Height

Line Height Settings

Line Height controls the vertical spacing between lines. You can change it by dragging the Line-Height pointer and putting the number on the box. By default, PX measures the size, but you can change it with PX, Rem, and CM.

Letter Spacing

Customize letter spacing

Letter Spacing controls the horizontal space between letters. You can change it by dragging the letter spacing pointer and putting the number on the box. By default, PX measures the size, but you can change it with PX, Rem, and CM.

Word spacing

Word spacing

Word Spacing makes the distance between two words. You can change it by dragging the word spacing pointer and putting the number on the box. By default, PX measures the size, but you can change it with PX, Rem, and CM.

Here is all about aBlock Typography Settings. If you still have any questions or are facing any problems contact our support to get help.